Project Funding Services
Project Funding deals with financing for long term industrial and infrastructural Finance based on Projected cash Flow and Repayment Credibility rather than Balance Sheet of the client . The higher the Viablility if the project – the better are the chances of getting a Finance.
SV Associates deal in End to End process for our clientele from hearing out the terms of their project to making a Viable Project Report through Thorough analysis and adherence to Banking guidelines to negotiating with the banks/ FIs till we get a positive nod for the sanction terms on Competitive rates.
Get To Know Our Services

In Project Financing we deal with making highly viable and technical project reports, for easy approvals at Lender’s level since we understand that this field is immensely Technical and crucial for the borrower as well as the lenders (Banks/ FIs) .
It is a very wide Field covering within itself many services enlisted herein. ( See process – link for process )
Our team Of Former- bankers are experts in such Project report preparations and presentation to lenders on behalf of client. Being on the inside of the trade it is easier to pick the minutest details, and judge the client’s requirement and Credibility for a Perfectly Fitting Customised Financial Solution.
Potential Businesses face Numerous issues in development of a sound report like :
– Availability of Fewer Experts
– Highly Prudent Lenders
– Controls on Project
– Internal Financial Controls.
Expert guidance is crucial especially in the present times when lenders have become very Prudent in their approach; and markets as well as the Legal system are unforgiving towards financial errors, frauds and default in payments.
We prove the credibility of our client to the Lenders with Bonafide Projections and Repayment Capacity Analysis.
“WE BELIEVE that The gateway to Getting Funds + getting them at Viable rates are Your Good Financials and Credit scores. We however put in our best efforts to mitigate your deficiencies (if any) and bring the project under Viability Standards as per bank Guidelines , in an unbiased Bonafide manner.”
Syndication allows any one lender to provide a larger loan while maintaining a more prudent and manageable credit exposure, because the lender isn’t the only creditor. Loan Syndication is common in Mergers, Acquisitions and Buyouts, where borrowers often need very large sums of capital to complete a transaction, often more than a single lender is able or willing to provide or any other projects where large sum of money is required and it is not feasible for one lender to lend the same or carry the entire risk.
Thus it involves several different lenders that work together to provide the borrower with the capital needed, at an appropriate rate agreed upon by all the lenders. Such kind of multiple banking arrangement is handled under a Lead Bank which negotiates with other banks on rates and legal issues.
What is Important for The Client –
That We Deal in Such Multiple Banking and Consortium Banking Methods With Banks Making necessary collaborations and assessing various funding options and Arrange finance at attractive and viable rates.
This is Integral and inclusive in Project Report Preparation in case of certain projects that demand appraisal of technical parameters eg Solar Projects or even Manufacturing, Industrial Sectors demanding TEV of Machinery etc. We conduct TEV Studies for such projects. It includes analysis of :
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Financial Feasibility
4. Operational Feasibility
Since, no project can be absolutely risk less, the analysis of the degree of technical risk and associated financial viability, by performing Techno-Economic Viability Study (TEVS) is to assist bank & regulatory bodies to take a view on the acceptability of risk level.
The purpose of TEV Study is to provide utility to the sanctioning authority to conclude at an informed judgement as regards acceptance of the project for lending (or investment) purpose.
TEV study takes into account market, regulatory, and standards- related product and also financials. To carry out critical analysis of technical feasibility, we must have enough knowledge, economic & regulatory environment to discuss what has been presented by the creator and proposed improvement to bring the projects.
Technically : The need for a Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) often arises when a company is going through financial hardship and is having difficulty in meeting its obligations.
The reorganisation of a company’s outstanding obligations, often are achieved by reducing the burden of the debts, by decreasing the rates paid and increasing the time to pay the obligation back.
This allows a company to increase its ability to meet the obligations. Also, some of the debt may be forgiven by creditors in exchange for an equity position in the company. This process is called CDR, which requires specialized skill and knowledge of guidelines & procedures laid down by Apex body.
With our experienced panel of Former-bankers with over 40 years at hand We-
- Adeptly Study The cause of crisis / failure
- Prepare reports as per suggested guidelines in the best interest of both borrower and lenders.
There are many stages before an account is declared an NPA. Only Timely management can save a borrower from this awkward situation.
Such cases have been on the rise, lending institutions recall the debt and go for sale of assets of the borrower to recover dues resulting in loss of reputation of the borrower, additionally decreasing future credibility for fresh future debts of the client.
By the time borrower realizes the Impact of being declared as NPA, it’s too late. We assist the clients in getting the loan restructured by preparing the Detailed Restructuring Proposal and putting up the same to the bankers and get them sanctioned at most attractive terms.
WE also assist in arriving at Settlements with the lender at appropriate terms in the interest the client as per guidelines of the Apex Bank.
AT SV Finance, We firmly believe in Strong Visions, Expansions and Startups and so we realise the Benefits of timely and adequate Business Advisory.
WHY Go for it?
Since, we have already gone through the entire List of Norms, and are adept in easy documentation and report making, coupled with advisory benefits, WHY SHOULD YOU have to read it all again.
So, You can concentrate on your VISION, and we will draft the road Map for it.
“The benefits of investing in a proper Business advisory are immense, since your growth does not have a marked Finish Line and Shouldn’t either.”
We Advise on :
-Strategic Investment in Stressed Assets
-Transaction Advisory Services
-Advisory for Start-up ventures
-Financial management services
-Risk advisory services
-Restructuring of Entities – Merger & Consolidation
-Capital Structuring & Planning
-Due Diligence
-Advisory and Tax planning
-Legal & Statutory compliances
-Preparation of Detailed Information Memorandum
That’s a long list of things we can do for you, if you choose us.
India has been a most productive, profitable, and secure destination for foreign investment. With rapid liberalization of economy and increasing domestic consumption, it remains an attraction for foreign investment. Present Government Policies are highly Supportive of FDIs.
We essentially provide services to our overseas clients in following areas:
Company Formation and Company Law services
Approvals from RBI, FIPB for investment “In and Out” of India
Establishment of Joint ventures
Corporate and Commercial Law services
mandatory Compliances & Approvals
Setting up Subsidiaries, acquisition of existing businesses etc
Tax Planning
Project Finance
Other related services for FDI in India
A Foreign entity willing to set up business operations in India has the following options:
investment under automatic route –( 100% FDI except those specified by govt.)
Investment through prior approval of Government.
*Under Automatic Route FDI up to 100 per cent is allowed in all activities/sectors except to those specified by Government of India from time to time. FDI in activities not covered under the automatic route requires prior approval of the Government which is considered by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), Department of Economic Affairs, and Ministry of Finance.